feels like i haven't been on here for ages, i've missed it quite alot. Is that sad?
anyway, the blog today is about bubbles in a bottle. Ever heard of anger being referred to a bottle of fizzy being shaken up and finally coming to a point that when someone begins to release the anger, it all comes out. Anger is just like this, it builds up and builds up despite the fact we may believe we've let it go and moved on but over a lifetime it can stir within us till we break.
over the past few months, Anger is just one of the many emotions I've felt and I've learnt that the best way to deal with anger is to release it when it comes and deal with it. In particular, we tend to feel anger towards other people who have betrayed us or hurt us in some way. God is a forgiving God.
One thing i've learnt about anger towards other people is to recognise that it can only be released through forgiveness, if we never learnt to forgive our hearts would become cold and this would affect our other relationships in the future. Forgiving is hard but it's a release of emotions that stop us damaging ourselves in the future.
As Jesus forgives us for the wrong things we do daily, we should also forgive others. This is what Jesus calls us to do in order for us to love.'Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us'
"Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail."
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
love me.
ReplyDelete“This is why I am at work in this time, so that all those who will come to Me might be brought to a new and filial relationship with the Father.These people will be instructed interiorly by Me, to be ready to understand and to live the events awaiting humanity. When My work will be accomplished in each one and in the entire universe, I will return in My glory and I will introduce all those who belong to Me, in the new incorrupt and incorruptible creation. This will be the new and most pure dimension of the spirit, in which redeemed humanity will live; it will be the kingdom of heaven that at the end of times I will give to My Father, but a kingdom that even now belongs to those who live for Me and in Me.
“On the contrary, those who will remain outside Me, because they will not have accepted Me nor recognized Me as Son of God and Savior, they will not enter the new creation.
“I came on Earth in order to bring the beginning of a new time, a definite and decisive time for the humanity of the whole universe. After My death and resurrection a progressive journey towards the new creation had begun. With My passion, I fufilled in front of My Father what His justice required, washing the sins of the forefathers with My Blood and erasing your heavy debt. This way I opened the avenue to every single person of good will who wants to accept Me and follow Me. If you offer yourselves to Me, I will lead you perfectly according to the plans of God, to introduce you, some day, in the kingdom of heaven. However, the walking is up to you. Don’t think that I also do your part! I am near you and I sustain you but I do not walk for you. Christians often depend on Me, thinking I already did everything, so they don’t have to do anything anymore. They feel satisfied by participating in some religious rite, and they think they are fine. No, children, this attitude is very wrong. I redeemed you, this is true, but if you remain lifeless and passive, without taking upon yourselves the responsibility expected of you, as spiritually mature people should do, how is Redemption going to bring any fruit in you? What will distinguish you from those who do not believe? My life and My work must become incarnated in each one of you, so that you might be able to make My Sacrifice efficacious, alive and visible, for your benefit and that of others. It is not sufficient to believe in Redemption, one must fully enter It, taking up your cross and following Me.
“If this is true at the level of a single person, much more is it true when referring to the entire humanity. The entire humanity will have to know Me, accept Me, and follow Me if it wants to be taken back to the Father and led into the kingdon of heaven.
Bringing back the entire creation to the Father is up to Me only, therefore everything has to pass through Me.
“Which is your duty then during these times? It is that of firmly believeing in Me and offering Me your very selves, so that I can unite you to Me in order to take you back to the Father. This is the meaning of being recapitulated in Me. This way you will be part of My Mystical Body which is the most powerful force working in the universe. Part of the Mystical Body are My Mother, the angels, the Saints, and all those, living and dead, who believed and still believe in My work, because they love the Father and recognize Me as Son of God and Redeemer of the whole humanity.In this way you will become partakers of My actions and of the Father’s; you will be part of God’s army, that in these times is powerfully at work. This is why it is absolutely necessary that you decide to live for God, renewing yourselves interiorly and detaching from your selfesheness and egoism. I expect from each of you a serious and unequivocal decision. Such a decision is not postponable anymore; this is valid for each individual and for the entire humanity.